Dienstag, 22. Mai 2018


US Talk Show host Jimmy Kimmel on the Hamdog! Inventor Mark Murray came up with the exceedingly simple but mouth-watering notion of . Der Hamdog wird seit Juli im westaustralischen Perth verkauft. Fastfood-Liebhabers löst eine Erfindung aus Australien: der Hamdog. Mark Murray is the inventor of the Hamdog, and his Combination hamburger and hot dog bread bun was granted a US patent in 2009. Fastfood-Junkies wird eine schwierige Entscheidung abgenommen: Der Hamdog vereint Burger und Hot Dog unter einem Brötchen.

The Hamdog — a cross between a hamburger and a hotdog — is here.

Sie lieber einen Hamburger oder einen Hotdog essen möchten? Mark Murray, who created the Hamdog, a hotdog and hamburger hybri has decided to sell the patent. Diesen Konflikt im Leben eines Fast-Food-Liebhabers löst eine Erfindung aus Australien: der Hamdog.

A new food combination that merges a hot dog and a hamburger has launche with its inventor telling CNBC that he hopes to bring the product . The Hamdog was invented in 20by Mark Murray, who lives in Perth, Australia. He successfully applied for patents in the U. A hamdog is an Australian dish that consists of a hot dog that is wrapped in a beef patty, deep-frie covered with chili, a handful of French fries, and a fried egg. Main ingredients‎: ‎Hot dog‎, ‎beef pattyRegion or state‎: ‎Western AustraliaPlace of origin‎: ‎australiaHamburger and Hotdog unite to create the Hamdog.

His determination has now paid off as the Hamdog has now become reality after a successful launch in July. The Hamdog a combination between a hot dog and a hamburger created by an Australian man will soon come to the United States. Für Fast-Food-Fans muss es die Erfüllung sein: der „Hamdog“ – eine Kombination aus Hotdog und Burger.

Each Hamdog costs $AUD (approximately £5) and all the ingredients are locally sourced from Western Australia, bar the pickles – they're . Lovers of both the hamburger and hotdog will never be torn by indecision again. Die Kernfrage eines jeden Männerabends hat nun endlich eine eindeutige Antwort: Hamdog! Mark Murray of Perth plans to soon begin selling his patented cross between a hamburger and a hotdog, which he calls the “Hamdog.

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